The main destination of this trip is Romania, a fascinating country with a long history influenced by the christian Habsburg Monarchy on the one side and the Ottoman Empire on the other side. This lead to a rich cultural and architectural heritage and some phantastic UNESCO world heritage sites. With the Carpathians Romania owns the largest and one of the last primeval mountain forest areas of Europe where still thousands of brown bears live and the Danube Delta at the Black Sea forms the second biggest river delta of Europe with a very special ecosystem for flora and fauna. Hence, the cultural heritage, the nature and the wildlife create a perfect mixture for an interesting trip on the Balkans.
As our way to Romania leads along the river Danube, we also visited some of the historic towns in Germany and Austria along this longest river of Europe.


Passau - Germany

Danube at Schlögen - Austria

Melk Abbey - Austria

Hofburg - Vienna

Schönbrunn Palace - Vienna



Belvedere Palace- Vienna

Main square of Timisoara

Abandoned luxury hotel in Baile Herculane

Old railway station in Oravita

Rock formation "Eisernes Tor" of the river Danube

Narrowing of the river Danube at the "Eisernes Tor"

Cornflowers in Oltenia

Sunset of the river Danube

Peles Castle (unfortunately with scaffolding)

Cantacuzino Castle (also known as Nevermore Academy)

Prejmer Fortified Church

Hărman Fortified Church

Hărman Fortified Church

City Brasov with Black Church

Entrance hall of an abandoned hospital

Facade of an abandoned hotel

Bran Castle (known as Dracula's castle)

Rasnov castle

Mud volcanos close to Berca

Mud volcanos close to Berca

Mogosoaia palace

Snagov monastery

Parliament Building (second largest administration building globally - after the Pentagon)

Unfortunately a very typical city neighbourhood - stalled construction site, old communist block and renovated town house.

Storks in the countryside

Abandoned cement plant


UNESCO Natural Heritage DANUBE DELTA (4700 sqkm)

Fortified church Viscri

Racos volcano and Emerald lake

Rim of extinct volcano in Racos

Rim of extinct volcano in Racos

Sucevita monastery with frescos from the 16th century

Moldovita manastery with frescos from the 16th century

Neamt monastery

Typical farm house

Desesti wood church

Paintings in wood church

Paintings in wood church

Sapanta graveyard

Scărișoara glacier cave

Scărișoara glacier cave

Sewage lake of Geamana copper mine

Sewage lake of Geamana copper mine

Former church tower in sewage lake of Geamana copper mine

Horse carriages are very common

Cheile Turzii canyon

Banffy castle

Alley in Cluj-Napoca

Socialist living quaters in Cluj-Napoca

Lavender field

Dance at orthodox pentecost

Fortified church in Biertan

Gypsy selling copper dishes

Old town of Sighisoara

Old town of Sighisora

Old town of Sibiu

"Traffic jam"

Brown bears near the road

Brown bears near the road

Former Vulcan coal mine in Petrila

Former Vulcan coal mine Petrila

Housing area to the former coal mine

Transalpina road over the Carpathian mountains

Hunedoara castle

Deva castle

City of Oradea

Bratislava castle

Telecommunications headquarter of Slolakia in Bratislava

Petrszalka - Living quater in Bratislava - established during the communist regime